Audit Reports
Here comes a long list of audit reports. They cover different services (certification, independent verification, benchmarking), audit stages (initial, maintenance, mid-term) and most importantly they cover the huge variety of our audited partners.
If you have questions or need further information, please drop us a mail at
Enjoy the dive.
ACT Alliance Secretariat
Certification valid until January 2027.
ACT Church of Sweden
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian, development and advocacy mandates since 2024.
Action Against Hunger UK
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian and development mandates since 2021.
Action Aid Group
Independently verified against the CHS as a Group for its humanitarian, development and advocacy mandates since 2019.
ADRA Denmark
Certification valid until October 2025.
ADRA International
Benchmarked against the CHS for its humanitarian, development and advocacy mandates in 2017.
British Red Cross
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian and development mandates since 2018.
Certification valid until March 2027.
CARE International Confederation
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian mandate since 2020.
Caritas Denmark
Certification valid until April 2027.
Christian Aid UK & Ireland
Certification valid until March 2027.
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian, development and advocacy mandates since 2022
COAST Foundation
Certification was cancelled in May 2023.
Concern Worldwide
Certification valid until October 2027.
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian mandate since 2024.
Dan Church Aid
Certification valid until January 2028.
Danish Red Cross
Certification valid until October 2025.
Danish Refugee Council
Certification valid until August 2026.
Independently verified against the CHS for its development and advocacy mandates since 2019.
Certification valid until September 2025.
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian, development and advocacy mandates since 2022.
Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief (EFICOR)
Certification valid until November 2026.
Finn Church Aid
Certification valid until June 2026.
HelpAge International
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian mandate since 2020.
International Aid Services Denmark
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian mandate since 2022.
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation (IBC)
Certificate withdrawn on 09 November 2020.
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Certification valid until May 2026.
Certification valid until March 2026.
Mission East
Certification valid until March 2027.
Naba’a / Developmental Action without Borders
Certification valid until September 2025.
Norwegian Church Aid
Certification valid until May 2026.
Organisation for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA)
Delisted from the independent verification scheme on February 4th 2021.
Certification until December 2025.
Plan International
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian mandate since 2018.
Plan International Germany
Benchmarked against the CHS for its humanitarian mandate in 2016.
Save the Children
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian mandate since 2017.
SOS Children’s Villages International
Certification valid until June 2026.
SOS Children’s Villages The Netherlands
Certification valid until August 2026.
Stichting Vluchteling
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian and advocacy mandate since 2023.
Takaful Alsham
Certification valid until August 2025.
Certification valid until March 2027.
Terre des Hommes Netherlands
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian, development, advocacy mandate since 2024.
TPO Uganda
Certification valid until January 2026.
Benchmarked against the CHS for its humanitarian, development and advocacy mandates in 2019.
War Child Holland
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian, development and advocacy mandate since 2023.
Women Empowerment Action
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian and development mandates since 2018.
World Renew
Certification valid until November 2026.
World Vision
Independently verified against the CHS for its humanitarian mandate (limited to large scale humanitarian responses Category 3) since 2021.
Certification valid until February 2027.