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Optimised Internal Quality Assurance: HQAI's Custom Training Solution

Empower Your Teams and Organisation with Bespoke Internal Quality Assurance Training

This service aims to strengthen your organisation's internal quality assurance. It is carefully designed to meet your specific needs and equip your staff with the skills and knowledge to conduct effective assessments against your quality and accountability standards.

Why Choose HQAI's Tailored Training for Your Internal Assessors?

Ensure Conformity, Build Expertise with Training Specific to Your Needs

Move beyond generic auditing principles with HQAI's tailored training program. Our team of experienced international auditors will collaborate with you to define the training scope and develop a curriculum that aligns perfectly with your organisation's internal quality standards. This needs-based approach ensures your assessors gain the necessary knowledge and skills to evaluate conformity against your internal quality assurance standards.

How it Works:

  1. Collaboration: We work closely with you to understand your organisation's specific requirements and the desired training scope.
  2. Curriculum Development: Our expert auditors leverage their experience to create a customised training program based on your internal standards.
  3. Expert Delivery: HQAI auditors with extensive experience in various standards deliver the training, ensuring knowledge transfer and skill development for your internal assessors.

Timeframe and Costs:

Tailored training programs typically take 1-3 months to complete, depending on auditor availability and your organisation's collaboration. We offer competitive pricing for this valuable service.

Interested in Learning More?

Contact us today at to discuss your organisation's specific needs and get a quote.

See how it worked for others!

Read the success story of how HQAI's Tailored Training Program empowered the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) to strengthen its internal quality assurance system. Click here.

These are useful links

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New Project to Lower Compliance Burdens for Local and National Associations

DRC, HQAI, ICVA, and SPONG, launched the LOCAL Project co-funded by the European Union.

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Breaking News

HQAI completed 4 ex-ante assessments for DG ECHO's Programmatic Partnerships for 4 CARE Confederation members, saving time and money.

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