Cost estimator
Naturally, independent and objective quality assurance has a cost. The good news is that as a not-for-profit NGO, HQAI aims to make its services accessible to all organisations regardless of their ability to pay: find out more about the Group scheme and check whether your organisation is eligible for subsidies by HQAI Facilitation Fund.
The cost of quality assurance depends on many factors and is largely dependent on the size of the organisation. “Size” refers to the number of countries where an organisation runs activities (country programmes).
HQAI will offer a detailed cost plan after the application process and the necessary in-depth analysis of each individual case.
Cost estimator
This cost estimator gives an indication on the cost involved for your organisation. Please note however that each organisation is unique and that this tool takes only a few elements into consideration (please note: this quote is in Swiss francs CHF and non-binding).
Your next step
Don't wait to start this conversation. Your application allows us to get to know you and calculate your specific quote.