2020 HQAI donor round table
2020 HQAI donor round table: report
November 2020
Accountability is not just a buzzword. The concept has received increasing attention over the last 20 years in the humanitarian and development sector and is closely linked to some of the Grand Bargain commitments (participation, localisation, reducing duplication). And it concerns all of us: the chain of accountability reaches from taxpayers to governments and donors, to aid organisations and - most importantly - to the communities these organisations seek to work with. Effective tools exist to put accountability into practice and link it to robust, but harmonised due diligence (DD) requirements.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA), The German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), The Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative (HQAI) invited for an open dialogue between governmental and other donor representatives, strategic and audited partners with the focus on:
Towards recognition of the CHS and independent quality assurance
Audited organisations shared their realities, challenges and down-to-earth suggestions to move forward. Institutional donors presented where they stand with regard to supporting the CHS and independent quality assurance and where they see the major benefits. Representatives from strategic partners took a broader stance on accountability in the humanitarian sector and identified gaps to overcome.
Voices keep getting louder and aligning on ever returning topics, like making the CHS part of the broader policy agenda; understanding accountability as a chain, where donors but also the UN, pooled funds and INGOs next to take their share of responsibility; and having a closer look at CHS passporting.
The call for making independent verification and certification mandatory was initially launched more than five years ago by DANIDA. It is increasingly being echoed both by NGOs and donors.
“We are crescendoing the message around the value of the CHS and independent quality assurance and should take confidence in the realities shared through the round table.”
What are we waiting for?
A graphical overview of donors supporting the CHS and independent quality assurance to date
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