Podcast on Humanitarian Standards
Podcast on Humanitarian Standards
October 2020
"What we hope from the people who've read the report (HAR2020) is that the sector recalls its commitments that it's made. But what I also think the report does is offer, I suppose, a congratulatory approach to those organisations who've really taken that next step, to actually say, if we're going to have this standard, and this is the essential elements of principled and accountable aid, I need to be able to measure myself against them." - Tanya Wood, CHS Alliance

Safa from the Rethinking Development Podcast and Tanya discuss in a one-hour podcast:
- power dynamics in the humanitarian sector
- the history and development of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS)
- what change has happened since the launch of the CHS
- verification and measurement as key element of the CHS and the need to measure commitments made to people affected by crisis
- network organisations and the idea of ‘the collective’
- the Humanitarian Accountability Report 2020 and the data used in the report
- the gap between policy and practice
- individual vs systemic change
- living our values and principles
- how the standard can be improved - and much more!
The link to the podcast is here: https://www.rethinkingdevelopmentpodcast.com/listen/episode-7-humanitarian-standards
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