Elissa Goucem's experience as an auditor
Elissa Goucem's experience as an auditor

Our auditors are independent professionals with experience in the humanitarian and development sector registered with HQAI, which means they have successfully completed HQAI-specific training. They are the backbone of our organisation and are mandated to collect and analyse sufficient information to generate objective and impartial audit conclusions.
Let us introduce you to Elissa Goucem a senior auditor and head of quality assurance at HQAI.

An audit is an excellent tool to learn and to improve over time. That’s what we see when we go back to organisations year after year. We get to know them well and we see that the audits foster learning and improvement at an organisational level. The independent audit holds a mirror to an organisation to see itself. With the audit report they receive an objective view and assessment of how well they do in regards to the application of their commitments. An audit is one of the most efficient tools one can get.
Further, organisations can build trust through audits, especially through certification. You can show to the world that an independent party has looked at your systems and points out areas to improve. It is independent, it is objective and it buils trust.
Elissa GOUCEM, senior auditor & head of quality assurance, April 2019.
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