Claire Goudsmit's experience as an auditor
Claire Goudsmit's experience as an auditor

Our auditors are independent professionals registered with HQAI, which means they have successfully completed HQAI-specific training. They are the backbone of our organisation and often our most visible representatives. They are mandated to collect and analyse sufficient information to generate objective and impartial audit conclusions. This process happens as per HQAI’s procedures, the requirements of the applicable standard and in very close cooperation with HQAI.
Let us introduce you to Claire Goudsmit, senior auditor and advisory to the quality assurance team at HQAI.

Community engagement, feedback and accountability are at the heart of the CHS and of the audit process itself. As auditors we ask affected populations for their opinions on the quality of the assistance they receive. Based on their personal experience with an organisation we try to find out how informed and consulted the communities are: Can they influence decisions that affect them? Are they protected and strengthened? Are they able to provide feedback and hold the organisation to account when things go wrong?
By offering communities a confidential space with me as an external person to listen to their feedback, I most often receive insightful and honest responses on these important issues. I really do appreciate these moments.
Claire GOUDSMIT, senior auditor and advisory to the quality assurance team at HQAI, August 2018
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