HQAI is accredited
HQAI is accredited
December 2018
We practice what we preach: we believe that independent audits are key to improve and reliably demonstrate quality and competence. For this reason HQAI received accreditation against ISO/IEC 17065:2012 for its CHS certification scheme in December 2018. Accreditation is the “certification of the certifying body” by an official accreditation body, usually a government agency. This process ensures that HQAI complies with ISO relevant standards and builds trust with stakeholders.
Accreditation? Certification? ISO? Who evaluates what? The following lines will clarify some concepts and benefits.
HQAI offers third-party quality assurance services (= independent audits) to organisations that work with vulnerable people and at-risk communities.
As opposed to first-party (self-assessment) and second-party (peer review) assessments, third-party quality assurance is conducted by an independent body. It is generally considered the most robust means to generate a reliable, objective assessment of the extent to which a standard is applied. Thousands of organisations across sectors use the process to credibly demonstrate compliance with standards and as a tool for learning and continuous improvement.
HQAI conducts independent audits against the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS). In simple words, our accreditation against ISO standards means that we are qualified to do exactly that: assure the quality of other organisations.
Accreditation was delivered in December 2018 and covers HQAI-operated certification against the CHS. Accreditation formally recognises the quality of HQAI’s certification services. It also validates the robustness of CHS certificates issued by HQAI, thus increasing their value for audited partners. This validation applies to all certificates currently in vigour.
To maintain the accredited status, HQAI has to undergo annual maintenance audits.
Certification is one of the services HQAI offers for organisations.
A Certification Scheme is a set of requirements with which the certified product, process or service must comply. Schemes generally also include instructions for how the certified product, process, service can maintain its certification, an activity known as “surveillance”. For many stakeholders certification builds trust.
HQAI’s Certification Scheme operates within the CHS Alliance verification scheme and is ruled by international standards (ISO/IEC 17065:2012).
Accreditation is the “certification of the certifying body," hence of HQAI.
Accreditation for HQAI-operated CHS certification was obtained in December 2018.
Accreditation adds another layer of trust: products, processes and services that are certified by an accredited certification body are acknowledged globally and independently trusted. Accreditation hence contributes to improving the reputation of certified organisations.
The Accreditation Body ACCREDIA is a member of the international Accreditation Forum and a signatory of the Multi-Lateral Agreement (IAF MLA).
Signatory members of the MLA are rigorously peer evaluated to ensure that appropriate and consistent assessments against ISO/IEC 17065 are being performed. The mechanism of mutual recognition between IAF members legitimises HQAI’s accreditation globally.
Not all readers know that an international conformity assessment standard exists for the operation of certifying organisations.
ISO/IEC 17065:2012 “Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services” has a number of requirements for organisational structure, quality management system, competence of personnel, confidentiality, certification scheme and process, responsiveness to complaints and appeals, risk management etc.
ISO/IEC 17065:2012 rules HQAI’s processes and ensures that HQAI meets international regulations.