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Welcome to News at HQAI! Here you can dive into a collection of stories from audited, strategic and financial partners, from auditors and people affected by crisis who share their experience of working with us. We appreciate the insight of others on our work as independent auditor in the humanitarian and development sector.

Scroll through our News collection, search for specific key words or dive into one of the stories below.

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Happy reading!

HQAI Strategy 2024 - 2029 is Out!

HQAI's new strategy to enhance accountability and quality in the humanitarian and development ecosystem.

Intermediary Impact Study Report

The promising results are out: Measuring CHS commitments leads to stronger accountability and improved quality.

Annual Report 2023 Out

Our 2023 annual report is now available. Discover more about HQAI’s work, partners, and lessons learned.

News posts

PLAN International's CHS independent verification journey

February 2021

"Independent verification against the CHS allows us to prioritise actions and it ensures that we are continuously learning and improving" says Emma Kelleher from PLAN International.

ACT Alliance CHS certification journey

December 2020

"The changes we made have significantly improved our relationships with the communities we work with," says Rizwan Iqbal on the CHS-certification experience of the ACT Alliance Secretariat.

2. Hygiene distributions and awareness session, GMFA funded, Iraq.jpg
Mission East's commitment to crisis-affected communities

November 2020

Mission East's experience of being certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard.

The Subsidy Fund is revolutionising organisations

November 2020

TPO Uganda's take on independent verification against the CHS.

Elissa Goucem's experience as an auditor

April 2019

An auditor's testimonial.

CHS story of change series – Medair’s environmental commitment

June 2020

Here CHS Alliance member Medair shares insights into what they are doing to meet Commitment Nine of the CHS.

CHS story of change series – CAFOD’s partnership model

July 2020

Here CHS Alliance member CAFOD shares insights into how they are working with partners to meet Commitment Five of the CHS.

Getting off the banana skin

April 2018

Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, Executive Director of Coast Trust shares his experience of becoming certified!

Jo Thomson's experience as an auditor

April 2019

An auditor's testimonial.

Johnny O'Regan's experience as an auditor

April 2019

An auditor's testimonial.

Birgit Spiewok's experience as an auditor

October 2019

An auditor's testimonial.

Claire Goudsmit's experience as an auditor

August 2018

An auditor's testimonial.