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Strategic partners

At HQAI, we closely collaborate with strategic partners in the humanitarian and development sector to reach our common goals. In particular, HQAI has a close strategic relationship with its funding partners. Together, we pursue key objectives such as localisation, harmonisation of due diligence requirements, simplification of administrative requirements. If you want to know more about them, visit also our Funding partners page.

“The CHS Alliance is a global alliance of humanitarian and development organisations committed to making aid work better for people. We believe organisations deliver higher quality, more effective aid when they are accountable to the people they serve. Together, we are a movement to strengthen accountability and to put people affected by crisis at the heart of what we do by implementing the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS)." - The CHS Alliance

The standard’s transformative potential lies in the fact that it is a standard against which performance and accountability can be measured. And it is the CHS Alliance Verification Scheme and HQAI’s services (certification, independent verification) that are driving some of the most exciting improvements in accountability and performance.

The CyberPeace Builders is a network of corporate volunteers providing free assistance to Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) protecting vulnerable populations anywhere in the world. The program members are all volunteers recruited from local and international companies and coordinated by the CyberPeace Institute.

The CyberPeace Builders program provides pre-incident and post-incident assistance to humanitarian NGOs in critical civilian sectors, such as healthcare, water and sanitation, food and agriculture, energy and information.

“When major disasters hit countries without the capacity to respond, the DEC brings together 14 leading UK aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently, enabling our member charities to rapidly scale up their operations on the ground.” - DEC

Independent quality assurance against the CHS is a prerequisite for humanitarian organisations looking to obtain funding from UK’s DEC.

The Dutch Relief Alliance was formed by a group of Dutch humanitarian organisations that work in partnership with the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They’ve been collaborating with over 100 local organisations around the world since 2015.

The Dutch Relief Alliance has made IndependentVerification or Certification against the CHS a prerequisite for membership.

The H2H Network, which stands for ‘humanitarian-to-humanitarian’ network, consists of approximately 50 organisations that provide high-quality and integrated services to support other humanitarian responders.

HQAI has been a member of the H2H network since its foundation.

“ICVA is a global network of non-governmental organisations whose mission is to make humanitarian action more principled and effective by working collectively and independently to influence policy and practice.” - ICVA

ICVA’s Executive Director, Ignacio Packer, is a member of the Facilitation Fund Management Committee. We collaborate on topics such as making our services financially accessible to all organisations through the Facilitation Fund and Group scheme.