Dan Church Aid
DanChurchAid has a vision of a world without hunger, poverty and oppression, in which popular and political powers constantly work strongly and actively for a just and sustainable distribution and use of the earth’s resources.
DCAs core:
DanChurchAid supports the poorest of the world in their struggle for a dignified life and helps those whose lives are threatened. We provide emergency relief in disaster-stricken areas and long-term development assistance in poor regions - to create a more equitable and sustainable world.
Our work derives from Christian values. We show active compassion, share with the world’s poorest, and help those in need. We act courageously when injustice is committed against people and when human rights are violated.
The situation of each individual is the starting point for our work, with respect for human rights and equality. We engage with popular and political forces, and seek to influence decision makers to improve conditions for the poorest.
We work closely with faith-based and other partners, and break new ground in our partnerships to make the greatest possible difference in the world.
We show leadership and maintain our 100 years of tradition for action and innovation. By experimenting and testing new ways of working with volunteers, donors and partners, we help people in poverty and distress to find a better life and have hope for a better world.
certification valid until January 2025
Dan Church Aid is certified against the CHS for its humanitarian, development and advocacy mandates since 2017.

Dan Church Aid audit reports
Maintenance audit report 2022
Dan Church Aid Maintenance Audit Summary Report 2022-05-09
Maintenance audit report 2020
Dan Church Aid Maintenance audit Summary Report 2020-02-11
Maintenance audit report 2018
Dan Church Aid Maintenance Audit Summary Report 2018-02-02
Certified since
Type of organisation