Andrew Nzimbi

Andrew is a Development and Humanitarian Practitioner specialised in: Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL). He is also well versed in Community Development Approaches, Project Planning and Management and Evidence Based Programming.
He has over 12 years of working experience in 10 countries in Africa, and Yemen. Andrew’s experience includes supporting a range of International and National NGOs, Partners, Networks and Governmental Institutions involved in humanitarian and development work to solve their Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning needs, consequently improving their quality of programming. He has set up and managed MEAL systems; facilitated trainings, meetings and conferences; coordinated and conducted assessments, reviews and evaluations; and provided support in various other MEAL related areas. He has worked for - among others - World Vision, World Renew, Save The Children, Norwegian Refugee Council and HelpAge International.
Andrew’s experience covers programs and projects, supported by varied donors and governments, and targeting diverse community groups including Refugees, IDPs, Older Persons, Children, Urban and Rural Communities among others. He has worked in Programs and Projects in various sectors including; Resilience, Livelihoods, Social Protection, Food Security, Health, Education, Shelter and WASH.
He holds a Master of Arts in Project Planning and Management from the University of Nairobi (2009) and a Bachelor of Arts in Community Development from Daystar University (2004).
From April 2017, Andrew has been working as an Independent Consultant in Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning.
English, Kiswahili
Enlightening. Empowering. Evidence-based.
I conducted an audit where the project beneficiaries were in charge of their own projects, from the designing, to implementing and monitoring of the project. The most interesting thing was their levels of accountability; there were transparency boards around the community with budgets received for different activities posted and beside each, reports on how the funds were utilised. There were committees for addressing complaints and feedback, initiated and run by community members and tailored for people with all vulnerabilities. The projects implemented had improved cohesion amongst community members and a respect between community members and local authorities because of proper accountability.